Watch ZOOLOOK® on Vimeo and YouTube

ZOOLOOK | Flash Gurus (Pt II): Curtis & Da Silva

The Motion men Hillman Curtis 
vs Nicholas Da Silva Flash isn’t all about web design. [...]

ZOOLOOK | Layers Magazine – From Paper to Flash: A Professional Workflow

Nicholas Da Silva brings stories to life and inspires other artists using Adobe software

Flash Filmmaking 101 with ZOOLOOK

Flash Filmmaking 101 Flash Filmmaking 101 is the ideal guide for traditional animators, students, and [...]

ZOOLOOK | Taschen – Icons (Web Design: Flash Sites)

Many of the most captivating websites are created using the Flash program, which allows total [...]

ZOOLOOK | PSNEXT – Grandmaster Flash

Scratch the surface beneath the Internet’s shiny corporate veneer and you’ll find that a revolution [...]

ZOOLOOK | FlashTV™ is Macromedia’s Site of the Day

Internet thrills the video star at Macromedia Flash community site.

ZOOLOOK | The FWA Interview 004

When we launched the site back on July 25th of 2001, we were relatively unknown [...]


If you like flash animation, you can’t help but take a look at this website. [...]